We have established UIL as a broader based investor and have sponsored the creation of several investment platforms, which have allowed UIL to benefit from a sharper focus and in depth knowledge of segments of the market.

Utilico Emerging Markets Trust plc was the first UIL sponsored platform. UIL has supported the formation of Somers Limited (financial services) and Zeta Resources Limited (commodities). In addition, UIL has established a strong track record of investing in the fintech space, creating the Allectus Technology platform to capitalise on this position. These platforms continue to make pleasing progress.

Top 10 Holdings as at 31 December 2024

on a look through basis

Click on the company name to visit their website.

No Company Country of domicile Sector Gross assets
1 Resimac Group Limited Australia
Financial services

A leading alternative lender for residential mortgages and asset finance in Australia and New Zealand, with a broad suite of competitive, award-winning products that cater to diverse customer types and needs.

2 Horizon Gold Limited Australia
Gold mining company

Gold exploration company based in Perth, Australia

3 L & C Waverton United Kingdom
Asset and Wealth Management

UK wealth manager

4 Utilico Emerging Markets Trust plc United Kingdom
Investment Fund

A UK closed-end investment trust dedicated to investments in infrastructure, utility and related sectors in the emerging markets.

5 ICM Mobility Group Limited United Kingdom

Focused on the mobility sector for private and public transport, supporting technology businesses for clients of ICM Limited

6 Allectus Quantum Holdings Limited United Kingdom
Technology fund

An investment holding company focused on quantum technology with its sole investment in Diraq Pty Ltd, a next generation quantum computing company. 

7 AK Jensen Group Limited United Kingdom
Investment Fund

Hedge Fund Platform


8 West Hamilton Holdings Limited Bermuda
Investment Fund

A Bermuda listed property holding and management company whose assets include a commercial property, the Belvedere Building, a 308-space car parking facility, and a mixed use apartment building.

9 Kumarina Resources Limited Australia
Gold mining company

An unlisted mining company with a gold-copper project in Western Australia.

10 Alliance Nickel Limited Australia
Mining company

An Australian listed exploration and development company with nickel and cobalt interests in Western Australia.